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Salmonella is one of the “Big Six” microorganisms that are highly infectious and can cause serious foodborne illness. Salmonella has long been associated with eggs and poultry,
but foodborne illness outbreaks caused by Salmonella have occurred in other foods including peanut butter and tomatoes. This page focuses on the non-typhoidal Salmonella species. It is imperative that food service establishments and retailers be aware of this microorganism and how to protect food from contamination.

To learn more about this species of Salmonella, the infection it causes (Salmonellosis), as well as how to prevent an outbreak in your business, check out our Salmonella knowledge sheet.

How is Salmonella transmitted?

Salmonella infection can be transmitted through eggs, raw meats, raw poultry, raw seafood, produce, and dairy products. It can also be transmitted on foods touched by an infected food handler that does not wash his or her hands after using the restroom and then prepares food. Salmonella species have also been known to survive in low moisture foods such as nuts, spices, and cake mixes contaminated with fecal material from insects, rodents, birds, or contaminated processing equipment. Produce growing in fields can also become contaminated through water and soil.

There are approximately 1.35 million cases of Salmonellosis annually in the U.S. Most individuals are susceptible; however, the illness is most severe in young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals.

Salmonella prevention tips

Protect your employees and customers by following the procedures below to prevent an outbreak of Salmonella in your business.

  1. Make it a protocol for employees to wash their hands thoroughly, especially after using the restroom. Encourage them to scrub beneath fingernails, between fingers, and around wrists.
  2. Avoid cross-contamination by washing and sanitizing utensils, equipment, and other food contact surfaces when switching between tasks. Additionally, wash vegetables and fruits before cutting.
  3. Cook raw meats, poultry, and eggs to safe final internal temperatures.
  4. Keep pests out of food prep and processing areas.
  5. Prevent roof leaks and sewage backflow. Kitchen closure is required if these occur in a food prep area.

If there is a Salmonella outbreak at your facility, Steritech offers Crisis Management assistance. We also provide a large selection of health and safety services that can minimize the risk of transmission of foodborne illnesses. Contact us today to learn more.


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