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Take a closed-loop approach to corrective action plans

A corrective action plan (CAP) is a structured strategy that organizations utilize to identify, address, and rectify issues or deficiencies in processes, products, or services. It involves a systematic approach to eliminate the root causes of problems, ensuring continuous improvement and adherence to quality standards.

OnBrand360®’s Corrective Action Plan allows you to address and resolve identified issues and help prevent them from reoccurring, creating a positive brand experience for all. 

two professional business people working together

CAP steps/features

When an opportunity for improvement or risk is sighted during an assessment, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is generated.

Issue identification

Your Steritech Assessment will identify areas for improvement to ensure that businesses maintain high standards across multi-location businesses.

Risk assessment

The risk level assigned to opportunities will help to determine what needs to be resolved first if there are multiple issues.

Root cause analysis

By understanding the underlying causes of the identified opportunities, you can determine how to prevent them from reoccurring.

Action planning

Once the opportunity is identified, specific steps and actions can be determined to correct the problem and address the root cause.

Establish a timeline & responsibilities

Every business needs a timeline for the completion of each Corrective Action Plan to ensure problems are resolved in a timely manner. 

Assigning responsibilities to the proper individuals or teams to implement the corrective actions is also crucial. 

OnBrand360 proactively notifies responsible parties when a CAP is due and requires attention.

Implement the corrective action plan

Corrective actions can now be taken. The location can take corrective actions and act accordingly by indicating what caused the issue, what they did to correct it, and what their plan is to prevent the issue from happening again.

Teams are encouraged to create SMART Corrective Actions: Specific, Measurable, Action-Based, Realistic, and Time-Bound.


In our OnBrand360 application, businesses can verify and confirm that corrective actions have been taken and were effective in resolving the identified issue. Managers can see the workflow, accept the location’s plan, or push back for further action if desired.

Continuous improvement & closure

For future instances, you can analyze the effectiveness of correct actions and incorporate lessons learned into ongoing processes for continuous improvement. Once the verification step confirms the actions were successful, the corrective action plan is considered closed.

OnBrand360 doesn’t just report the opportunities for improvement cited during assessments. It also gives your location-level teams the ability to track what corrective actions they have taken. This closed-loop approach to corrective actions gives you confidence that every location delivers your brand’s ideal experience.

What is a closed-loop?

A closed loop in the corrective action plan refers to the completion and verification that corrective actions have been taken to resolve issues. A closed-loop corrective action process is crucial for quality management systems. It ensures that issues identified during our assessments are addressed promptly and that the effectiveness of the corrective actions is verified, providing a continuous feedback loop for improvement.

In OnBrand360, users can record what actions they have taken to resolve the issue and can even upload photos, PDFs, and other documents to show their progress.

How our closed-loop CAPs help multi-location businesses:

Fully integrated CAP workflow

OnBrand360 offers a fully integrated CAP workflow, which is essential for organizations and brands to efficiently manage corrective and preventive actions, ensure compliance, and drive continuous improvement. The integration provides a systemic approach to identifying, addressing, and preventing organizational issues or non-compliance.

User-friendly, intuitive design

OnBrand360 is extremely user-friendly, making it easy for users throughout your organization to access and engage with the corrective action plan and implement corrective actions.

Automated notifications

With OnBrand360, you can receive automated notifications. Automated notifications streamline communication by delivering consistent and standardized messages to relevant parties. It promotes timely responses to identified issues, reducing the risk of delay in addressing critical issues.

Configurable based on client business rules

A CAP system can be configured based on client business rules by allowing customization of workflow stages, user roles, data fields, forms, escalation rules, notifications, integration options, reporting, and compliance settings. This flexibility ensures alignment with clients' specific processes and requirements, allowing the system to adjust smoothly to their unique business rules and needs.

Oversight options available via CAP Review

Oversight options available via CAP Review benefit multi-location businesses by promoting consistent processes, centralized monitoring, efficient communication, benchmarking, risk mitigation, compliance management, and streamlined reporting, ensuring standardized and effective handling of corrective and preventive actions across different locations.

Mobile optimized

OnBrand360 offers a mobile-optimized closed-loop CAP system that helps to enhance the efficiency of multi-location businesses by providing real-time access, streamlined collaboration, and on-the-go capabilities for efficient data collection and verification.


Learn more about OnBrand360® with a free demo and consultation

The corrective action plan is one of our quality management system’s most valuable features. Contact us today to learn how you can empower your locations to create a plan for improvement with OnBrand360’s closed-loop corrective action process. 

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